
Shandy / Radler
Von Trapp Brewing
68% of 100
This beer is a refreshing blend of a light lager with grapefruit. Perfect for summer sessions, outdoor activities, and enjoying the day. Radler originated as a drink called Radlermass (cyclist liter) created by innkeeper Franz Kugler in the small town of Deisenhofen, outside Munich. Enjoy our Radler on or off the trail!
This beer is a refreshing blend of a light lager with grapefruit. Perfect for summer sessions, outdoor activities, and enjoying the day. Radler originated as a drink called Radlermass (cyclist liter) created by innkeeper Franz Kugler in the small town of Deisenhofen, outside Munich. Enjoy our Radler on or off the trail!
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Package 12oz Can
ABV 3.900000
IBU 20.000000
Rating Score 3.42121
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