
IPA - New England / Hazy
76% of 100
Hopora is a tribute to the hop spirit for a bountiful crop. Built on pale malt, oats and wheat, this IPA showcases Solero hops. Radiant notes of tropical citrus are supported by grapefruit rind and subtle pine from Citra and Chinook. Immerse yourself in the juicy aura of our crisp seasonal ale. We taste tropical citrus, grapefruit rind, subtle pine.
Hopora is a tribute to the hop spirit for a bountiful crop. Built on pale malt, oats and wheat, this IPA showcases Solero hops. Radiant notes of tropical citrus are supported by grapefruit rind and subtle pine from Citra and Chinook. Immerse yourself in the juicy aura of our crisp seasonal ale. We taste tropical citrus, grapefruit rind, subtle pine.
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Package 12oz Can
ABV 6.500000
Rating Score 3.82553
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